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Read this first if you’re stuck in a career limbo
Be grateful when you still have a job during the COVID-19 pandemic, they say. But what if you never truly fancy your job to begin with and you’re just staying put because you avail yourself to the sense of dormancy that comes with having a stable job? Or do you actually enjoy what you’re doing but you have reached career stagnancy? These are two differing factors that you should deeply consider before making any radical moves.
Did the pandemic and transition to remote working heighten your current discontent at work or you were already dissatisfied prior but reactiveness and complacency prevented you from thriving further, and now you feel like you’re stuck in a rut, your mind is reinforcing you with metaphorical quotes of “the grass is always greener on the other side” and “your job is the bane of your existence”, so now you’re ruminating on what could have materialized if you have left pre pandemic.
It is sensible to leave your current job only if these criteria are met:
●It is taking a toll on your overall health, mentally and physically. For instance, you’re experiencing nausea, migraines, sleeplessness, depression and anxiety, these are symptoms that would not only impact your health in the long run should you choose to stay but it will predominantly affect how you react towards the relationships you have with your co-workers, family and friends. In a science-backed survey by AIA Insurance, the 2019 survey has shown that in a pool of 17,595 employees, 51% suffers from work-related stress and 53% sleeps less than seven hours per night, 84% of employees suffer from upper body pain and musculoskeletal conditions.
●You have this sense of disarray that your skill sets are not being fed through the right funnel, you feel like you’re not contributing enough to your company. You might be thinking to yourself, am I even in the right role? Are my visions and interests aligned with the company’s long-term objectives? You’re dreadful because you’re not achieving anything significant, you’re demotivated at work, your productivity and output has dropped. Us as human beings seek for high value work, one that requires us to be creative, analytical, involves human engagement that brings an overall sense of happiness.
●No growth opportunities and poor remuneration in your current job. Your job is very mechanical and routine based, Joyce K. Reynolds an Expert Business Coach stated that “If you feel static and you can’t earn further responsibilities or get ahead after pitching ideas on a subject matter, you’re most likely in a dead-end job”, this could mean prejudiced treatment, favouritism in management practices, you notice your co-workers are getting career opportunities that you aren’t getting. Remuneration does not justify the workload and treatment being imposed on you, if this has been communicated to your line leader and no clarity has been given after countless occasions, then you should make your move.
From another standpoint, leaving your job for the wrong reasons might pose major career upheavals:
●Don’t leave your job if you’re being given a strenuous task that is not within your expertise, it is a golden opportunity to experience a new learning curve. In today’s fast paced environment, you’re bound to be given unfamiliarized tasks, by accepting it without hesitation directly showcase your ability and willingness to learn. Job scopes are constantly changing and are becoming more cumbersome hence we need to alter our ways of working.
●Don’t leave your job if your company is undergoing a corporate restructure. With this ongoing pandemic, many organizations have to downsize and end up outsourcing some work functions to contractors. Upon receiving this news, most employees would panic, frantically updating their resumes and LinkedIn profiles in hopes of landing a new job before a career catastrophe occurs. Always remember, if you’re an asset to the company, you would not be easily replaced, don’t rush into unwise actions, have a transparent conversation with your line leader during your performance review, constantly upskill yourself, identify knowledge gaps and discuss opportunities.
●Don’t leave your job if your workplace relationships aren’t blooming. There’s this catchphrase that one should manifest “Do not take workplace relationships personally”. In a corporate setting, it rarely revolves around you as an individual but on your work performance itself. All relationships need effort, managing expectations and it requires a two-way communication, contemplate if you have been contributing to a less positive rapport with your line leaders or colleagues. If this underlying issue leaves unresolved, undeniably, you will bring on this toxic trait to your next job.
However, if you have well taken into consideration the above components and you’re adamant about leaving your job, continue reading as these are risks to be evaluated upon making a decision:
●Ensure that you have enough savings to cover your fixed expenditures and commitments such as home mortgage and rentals, car loans, health insurance, food expenses
●Sharpen your soft skills in communication, problem solving, analytical thinking, leadership, stress and conflict management, adaptability
●Recognize your credit score to ease future borrowings
●Redo your budget and eliminate unnecessary spending
●Set up an emergency fund that will cover your expenses for 3-6 months
●Notify your line leader a month or two in advance prior to leaving and provide adequate justification of your resignation
●Express gratitude and appreciation towards your co-workers, peers and line leaders. Don’t burn bridges and leave your workplace with dignity and respect
Before making that drastic leap, cultivate self-reflection and identify the fundamental cause of your job misery, ask yourself, would you regret this decision in the long run? It is a precarious choice to make if you leave your comfortable job with or without a backup plan, the repercussions would hit you, psychologically, physically and financially. Keep in mind that we are in the midst of a public health crisis and an uncertain job market hence it is essential to plan ahead and implement various strategies before making this bold move, keep in mind that leaving your job does not equal to a personal failure but merely embarking on a brand-new endeavour.
Tags: 2103, resignation, To quit or not to quit?, workplace